Certified in Volunteer Administration A Mark of Excellence

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If you work with volunteers, consider becoming a Certified Volunteer Administrator!

Top Ten Reasons to Consider CVA Certification

1) Certification offers credibility. The CCVA is the only international entity that offers the professional credential for volunteer administrators. Certification serves as a third-party endorsement of knowledge and experience against industry standards in volunteer administration.

2) Certification can improve career opportunities and advancement. The CVA can give staff the advantage when being considered for promotion and career opportunities. The CVA clearly identifies staff that have demonstrated mastery of volunteer administration principles based on accepted best practices.

3) Certification demonstrates a high level of commitment to the field of volunteer administration. The CVA is a clear indicator of an investment in one’s own professional development.

4) Certification strengthens the profession’s image. The CVA credential demonstrates a commitment to competence by employers and makes one stand out as a role model in the profession.

5) Certification = achievement. CVA certification requires the demonstration of experience and implementation of best practices as well as adherence to the highest ethical standards in volunteer administration.

6) Certification increases or validates skills and knowledge. Achieving the CVA requires a year-long commitment to study and self-reflection in volunteer administration. Re-certification is required every 5 years, proving that certificants stay current with trends in the profession.

7) Certification builds self-esteem. The CVA inspires increased confidence in the volunteer administrator’s core competencies.

8) Certification offers recognition from colleagues. CVA certification demonstrates leadership and taking the extra step in one’s professional career is respected by colleagues.

9) Certification supports continued professional development. Re-certification requires continued learning and development, and rewards the mentoring of others in the profession.

10) Certification offers international networking opportunities. CCVA provides an internal network for professions in volunteer administration to network with one another through social media.
