Online Presence Tune-Up

I always check Yelp for restaurant recommendations and HomeBuilder for contractor recommendations. But where do people go to get nonprofit recommendations? There are several sites that nonprofits should have a good profile on: GuideStar is…


Nonprofits and Generation Z

Aside from youth-serving organizations, most nonprofits haven’t even started thinking about how to engage Generation Z, born after 1996. This is a great introduction to some of the values emerging from American’s youngest generation:–gBQvAeOqRHAeceNiS-cQGu7OtmSidQYvQS3S2UCF51Yq9mIde_TwzAivfHRlvWlZfryrySVPy-saWP6JxOvwFYz2oBg&_hsmi=54423996
