Through Southern California GrantMaker’s Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation – Los Angeles (TRHT-LA) initiative, SCG is proud to offer our nonprofit partners a full day workshop about Addressing Implicit Bias in Nonprofit Organizations.
This deep-dive workshop lead by expert Dr. Bryant T. Marks, Sr. will examine how implicit bias shows up in ourselves and in nonprofit organizations, and how you can change your personal and organizational behaviors and practices. Dr. Marks’ engaging and interactive workshop will not only provide a clear description of implicit bias, but also describe its causes, consequences, measurement, potential solutions, and implications for nonprofit employees and organizations.
COST: $20 per person. Breakfast/lunch will be provided. Scholarships available if needed—please contact Dave Sheldon. NOTE: No refunds if canceling after January 4, 2019.
WHO MAY ATTEND: Open to employees and board members (not consultants or volunteers) of nonprofit service providers, community organizers, and other grass-roots organizations in Southern California only. There will be similar workshops for professionals in government and philanthropy.