Board Service: Anne Kennedy

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JRP Board of Directors 2019-2020

Board Service: Anne Kennedy

Anne Kennedy is a board member for Jericho Road Pasadena and has been an important part of JRP’s growth; Anne is happy to see the results of her board work, as JRP celebrates our 10th anniversary!

When Anne retired from full-time work in 2012, she knew she wanted to get more involved with community service and engagement. She had heard about Jericho Road Pasadena’s skilled volunteer program through a friend and decided to call the office to see if she could get involved. Anne was excited to use her professional skills to assist local nonprofits with strategic planning and board development projects.

Since joining the board, Anne has continued to volunteer for projects with JRP. Her work has centered around mentoring, strategic planning, and board development:

“As an Executive Director myself, I always had mentors within the organization. They were wonderful mentors from different fields. I don’t think I would have survived without their ability and willingness to mentor me. Mentors help develop the skills EDs may not have acquired and they serve as a helpful sounding board.”

Anne is proud of JRP’s board development training series and encourages nonprofits to utilize JRP’s volunteers and trainings.

“Everyone could benefit from being more prepared and understanding their roles.”

Have you considered serving on a nonprofit board? JRP provides training and a placing service. If you are interested in learning more, contact Melanie Goodyear at