Membership Analysis with Pasadena Heritage

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Membership Analysis with Pasadena Heritage

Pasadena Heritage works to identify, preserve and protect the historic, architectural and cultural resources of the City of Pasadena through advocacy and education. 

While planning for the future, Pasadena Heritage knew it was time to expand their membership base. How does an organization expand and diversity its membership? A good first step is to survey their existing members!

Jericho Road Pasadena matched two volunteers, Lee Houck and Cheryle Miyao-Quock with Pasadena Heritage. Lee was brought on to design the membership analysis survey while Cheryle analyzed the data collected. 

“This collaboration has allowed us to better serve our member base by
increasing our understanding of member needs, why they join, and
what benefits they enjoy. And we now have the tools to continue to survey lapsed members.” — Kristen Norton, Volunteer & Membership Coordinator at Pasadena Heritage 

JRP has volunteer consultants skilled in accounting, finance, fundraising, board development, professional coaching, strategic planning, human resources, IT systems, database design, marketing, writing, photography, and video production. They’re all ready to be matched with a local nonprofit.

JRP also trains and matches local professionals to serve on nonprofit boards. We have a pool of recently trained potential board members ready to get to know your organization.

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