The Sex Appeal of Bylaws…

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photo by Brian Biery

The Sex Appeal of Bylaws…

OK, bylaws have absolutely no sex appeal. But they are an important document for nonprofits; they define how we execute our mission in a thoughtful, democratic and sustainable way. But because they’re a boring legal document, few nonprofits review theirs regularly to make sure they are relevant, and that the organization is in compliance with them. Arlington Garden asked JRP for help updating their bylaws and we had the perfect volunteer, Victoria Stratman, CalTech’s retired general counsel. As an expert in governance, updating the bylaws for the lovely Arlington Garden was simple. But the project helped Executive Director Michelle Matthews and her board think about their vision for the future and how to maintain an excellent board, thereby sustaining their mission to provide climate-appropriate, habitat garden offering learning, inspiration, and enjoyment for all.

If you work with a nonprofit, please take a moment to review your bylaws and if you need legal help to go over them, contact JRP to get a volunteer: or 626-714-7234. Boring as it may be, your organization will be poised for growth when you have strong guidelines and systems in place.