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Jericho Road Pasadena’s Board Effectiveness Workshop Series

Board education and training is a vital part of any organization’s success!

Jericho Road Pasadena is pleased to announce the return of the Board Effectiveness Workshop Series. The virtual 4-part workshop is designed to give nonprofit board members the skills they need to help organizations be successful, and will cover the following topics:
• Role of the Board
• Board Development (Individual and Group)
• Board-Staff Partnership
• Establishing a Policy Focus
• Strategic Planning
• Successful Oversight
• Fundraising
• The Board’s Role in Financial Management
• Budgeting

Nonprofit boards provide guidance and leadership while ensuring that sufficient resources are available to carry out their organization’s important mission. The workshop series is open to current board members, potential board members and nonprofit staff who interact with boards. The series will be taught by Mitch Dorger, a consultant with considerable expertise in nonprofit organizations. More information on Mr. Dorger is available at

“We are excited to bring these workshops back,” said Kim Olpin, Executive Director. “Past participants have found the training to provide valuable information and techniques that can be implemented immediately.”

The 4-part workshop series will be taught on the following Friday’s from 9:30 am to 12:00 pm. All sessions will be virtual.
• June 24: Developing Effective Nonprofits Boards
• July 22: Governance in Action
• August 26: Nonprofit Resource Development
• September 23: Nonprofit Financial Management

Tickets are available for each individual session, or as a series. Ticket prices are $200 for all four sessions or $65 for each individual session, plus Eventbrite fees. To register, visit

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