Board Workshop Testimonials

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What do past attendees say about our board workshop? We’ve collected some testimonials from past workshop participants. Take a look at what they had to say about their experience:

“Jericho Road’s Board training provided helpful understanding of the Board’s role relative to the non-profit organization’s executive team. This interplay is especially important as not-for-profits operate distinctly from other businesses in which board members have greater professional experience. Achieving a balanced dynamic depending on the situation helped advance our organization toward its objectives.” – Robert A. Kamins, Board Chair, Rose Bowl Aquatic Center.

“I recently joined a local non-profit board but didn’t feel I adequately understood my role and how boards function. Jericho Road’s recent board governance training series was thoughtfully organized, clearly delivered, and provided the grounding I needed to engage more effectively. Thank you!” – Karen Burgess, Board Member, Pasadena Educational Foundation.

“This is an outstanding program that moves quickly and keeps your attention. Attending with fellow board members ensured that we all started with a shared baseline understanding of governance and the role of the board.” – V. Stratman.

“The board training series helped me lead a successful board for over two years. I learned the ins and outs of board management, good fundraising and best organizational practices for board oversight. I currently serve as a director of donor relations at a local non-profit and my training at Jericho Road has helped me advise board members at my agency on best practices for fundraising and event management. Jericho Road’s training is so valuable for anyone who wants to get further involved with nonprofit management and oversight. I highly recommend it!” – Holly Hight, previous board chair at Ten Thousand Villages.

We’re so grateful to all of our past attendees for sharing their feedback with us. Your insights and perspectives help us to continually improve our workshops and create meaningful learning experiences for all participants.

If you’re interested in joining us for our next board workshop, please click here to learn more and register.