Finding the Expertise to Craft a Strong Employee Handbook

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Pasadena Village project

While an employee manual might not be the most glamorous aspect of the nonprofit Pasadena Village, a well-crafted one is critical for its success. Executive Director Katie Brandon gets it. “At the most basic level, as a California nonprofit we’re responsible for following employee rules, regulations, and best practices,” she says. “But it’s about much more than that. An employee dispute or lawsuit could negatively impact our current and potential constituents and even our solvency. That’s why we were committed to writing our employee manual with expertise and care.”

The Pasadena Village goal is to help local older adults age in place. One approach is to offer its members opportunities for learning, personal development, creative activity, and social engagement by the members themselves. Another is to provide sources of help, by members and from volunteers willing to handle small tasks like grocery shopping, household chores, technology and transportation to medical facilities.

For expert help in creating a powerful and professional employee manual for the organization, Katie turned to Jericho Road Pasadena. She was also hoping for seasoned input in shaping retirement and health benefits packages that could grow as her staff expands.

JRP connected Katie with Valerie Mendoza, Executive Director of Human Resources and Payroll at Rusnak Auto Group in Pasadena. With over fifteen years of experience in human resources

administration and staff development plus a Juris Doctor law degree, Valerie had the insight and expertise to help the organization craft a clear, comprehensive manual and assemble the strong  staff benefits packages.

It was a great match all around. At the end of the process, Katie had just one word for Valerie: “Fantastic!” She especially appreciated getting input that was expertly personalized for her organization’s unique situation. Valerie enjoyed sharing her skills and experience as well. “Katie was amazing,” she says. “I also loved learning about the Pasadena Village mission.”

“Our consultations helped immensely in raising my confidence that we have the right policies in place to mitigate risk,” Katie says. “The top-flight tools Valerie helped us create will also empower us to offer a high quality, positive work environment that attracts the best and brightest to our organization.”

Thanks to volunteer Linda Taubenreuther for writing JRP social media posts!

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