Empowering, Encouraging and Equipping Anti-Racist Allies

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A practical and enjoyable workshop that will help participants become more effective change agents for racial equity by providing usable tools for interpersonal conversation.

Fri, May 10, 2019, 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM
No Future Cafe, 1500 East Walnut Street, Pasadena, CA 91106

This innovative workshop is designed as a mini-training for those who can only stay for 2 hours (9-11am), and a full training of 3.5 hours (9am-12:30pm) for those who have more time in invest in personal skill building to dismantle racism. Attendees of the mini-training will learn the basics of the RACE method for managing tough conversations, and learn and practice two related skills. Attendees of the full training will have a chance to learn and practice a total of four race equity conversation skills and will be equipped to implement the full RACE method when they leave the training.

Some scholarships are available.

Register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/empowering-encouraging-and-equipping-anti-racism-allies-tickets-60763022837