Board Member Placed at Shepherd’s Door

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Javier Ortega (far right) attended JRP's board training and was then placed on the board of the Pasadena Conservatory of Music
Javier Ortega (far right) attended JRP's board training and was then placed on the board of the Pasadena Conservatory of Music

Boston Private Bank values nonprofits: they understand the special banking needs of nonprofits, they sponsor events, and they encourage their staff to join nonprofit boards. 2 staff from Pasadena’s BPB location have gone through JRP’s board training and placement program, with Jessie Guevara recently being matched to the board of Shepherd’s Door. Jessie is passionate about working to empower women, especially those who have experienced abuse. This was another perfect match: as Operations Manager at BPB, Jessie is a whiz at business operations; Shepherd’s Door are experts at preventing and intervening in domestic violence, but often don’t have the time or funds to develop the business side of the organization. Jessie has already helped organize a very successful event and is looking forward to help this great organization grow and help empower more women and girls.