Success Stories
Here are a few highlights of our work in the past year or so.
In 2016, concerned that AYA needed board training and more
sophisticated financial management, Stella reached out to Jericho Road Pasadena and found volunteers to help her on both fronts. Read more about how JRP volunteers Leslie and Judy helped AYA.
JRP has worked on numerous projects with Friends in Deed,
which supports the important work they do for low-income families. In 2016, volunteer Jim Hilvert completed a board development project; FID has grown a lot in the past few years, so the board has transitioned from a working board to a governance board and with new Exec. Dir. Rabbi Joshua Grater hired in late 2016, their role will change again as they work with him on implementing their mission to improve the quality of life for low-income and homeless people and families. In addition to board development, JRP volunteers Jim and Kris Sanders completed an information video about FID in spring 2017. We have also placed two board members with FID.
When Michelle Kim agreed to leave her position on the board of the Hemophilia Foundation of Southern California to become the nonprofit’s interim executive director, she knew she was starting an adventure. She was not aware, however, that she would find no financial map to guide her. Read more about Bret’s work with HFSC.
JRP has provided $27,300 in board and program development to K9 Youth Alliance Teens and dogs are a great team. The K9 Youth Alliance, a new community nonprofit, found a way to connect teens and shelter dogs in a remarkable partnership. Through the K9 program, teens from the Boys and Girls Club of Pasadena have the opportunity to help train dogs from the Pasadena Humane Society. During the 3-week program, the teens work with the dogs for about two hours each day. It’s a genuine confidence boost for the kids as they see the dog’s behavior improve during the training sessions. The dogs benefit as well, learning the discipline they need to find new homes. A win – win.
Kelly Osburn, founder of K9 Youth Alliance, knew the organization needed help to turn their long term vision into a workable program in Pasadena. She turned to Melanie Goodyear, Director of Jericho Road Pasadena (JRP), about finding someone who might be able to help.
Leslie Swanson wanted to find a way to use her skills in organizational development and finance to give back to the community. She met with Melanie, and talked to her about her skills and volunteer work, including helping with rescue dogs. Melanie knew Leslie would be the perfect partner to help get K9 Youth Alliance up and running. Read more about Leslie’s work with K9YA.Having a robust web presence is a 21st century necessity for nonprofits, but few organizations have a large IT or marketing
budget. Pasadena Heritage ( had needed to update their site to an easier to use platform for some time and asked JRP to help. JRP has assisted several small nonprofits with website updates, but has only completed 1 large, complete overhaul for a larger organization, as it can be difficult to find a team of volunteers with design, development, programming and project management skills to dedicate a year to this kind of intensive project. But the wonderful team of Priyanka Singh, Mickey Scannell, Tim Johnson and Ashwini Goud have dedicated a year to recreating Pasadena Heritage’s website. Many thanks to this wonderful and talented team of volunteers for their hard work and dedication! Total hours: 585, worth $18,850.