Father Alfredo Feregrino of All Saints Church prayed to be refreshed and renewed at the virtual interfaith prayer event in May 2020. If you need some renewal and spiritual refreshment, register for the 2021 virtual…
Tag: Jericho Road
Jericho Road Pasadena Receives Community Impact Award from the Junior League of Pasadena!
Many thanks to the Junior League of Pasadena for giving Jericho Road Pasadena their annual Community Impact award! The Junior League empowers Pasadena women by helping them develop civic leadership skills, then giving them the…
Happy New Year!
Jericho Road Pasadena will be closed on Friday, January 1. For a change we won’t be watching a live Rose Parade, we’ll watch a reimagined New Year celebration!
Thank You for Your Year-End Gift!
Giving to JRP is giving to the whole community! By donating to JRP, you help local nonprofits accomplish their good work even more effectively, which creates a better community for all. Thank you for investing…
Happy Holidays!
Jericho Road Pasadena will be closed Friday, December 25 for Christmas. Happy holidays to all our wonderful supporters and thank you for sharing your time, talent and treasure with JRP!
10 Years of Accomplishments
JRP is Celebrating 10 Years of Strengthening Nonprofits and Communities! Jericho Road Pasadena is celebrating our 10th anniversary with a very exciting record of achievement, having helped over 200 local nonprofits through skilled volunteer matching…
JRP Hosts 2020 Virtual Effective Board Training
JRP hosted our two-day Effective Board Training this week! The virtual training was a success with many local community leaders tuning in to develop and strengthen board leadership skills. JRP is happy to provide this…
Happy Thanksgiving!
Jericho Road Pasadena will be closed Thursday and Friday for Thanksgiving. Beth and Melanie are very thankful for the many wonderful volunteers, nonprofit partners and donors that we work with you. THANK YOU!
Last Day to Register for Effective Board is Nov. 30
Jericho Road Pasadena’s Effective Board workshop is always a popular event, so registration will end at 5 pm on Monday, November 30. Please contact JRP at 626-714-7234 or MGoodyear@JRPasadena.org if you have any questions about…
Be an Effective Board Member
Are you currently serving on a nonprofit board? Do you know what your legal duties are and do you understand how your board service contributes to the nonprofit’s cause? Join Jericho Road Pasadena’s 2-part, virtual…
Flashback Friday: JRP Volunteer Field Trip
In the absence of getting together in person, we are reliving fun get-togethers from the past few years. From Nov. 2015: Many thanks to the Pasadena Museum of History (pasadenahistory.org) for giving JRP a docent-led tour of…
Ten Years of Accomplishments
Jericho Road Pasadena officially opened doors in May 2010 and have an impressive record of achievement in 10 years! We have served 220 local nonprofits since 2010, building strong organizations and a robust nonprofit community.…