Nonprofit boards of directors provide the leadership and vision to execute our organizations’ missions, yet most board members receive little to no training on how to be an effective board member. JRP offers a quarterly…
Tag: nonprofit boards
Rethinking Nonprofit Boards
Nov. 7: Jan Masaoka, Chief Executive Officer of the California Association of Nonprofits, will discuss an unconventional view of how to understand and lead effective boards. Is asking a group of busy people to give their time, talent…
Lead Your Nonprofit to Success in 2019!
The Annenberg Foundation is proud to announce Alchemy Fundamentals for 2019! This exciting training is open to all Executive Directors and Board Chairs working or volunteering at a nonprofit in the Greater Los Angeles Area. Learn…
Last Day to Register for Effective Board is Sept. 17
Jericho Road Pasadena’s Effective Board workshop is always a popular event, so registration will end at 5 pm on Sept. 14. Please contact JRP at 626-714-7234 or if you have any questions about the…
Board Development 101
Jericho Road Pasadena will hold a board development training on Wed. Sept. 19, 9:30 am – 12:30 pm. Thanks to Mitch Dorger of Dorger Consulting ( and Judy Plunkett of The Huntington Library, Art Collections and…
Do You Serve on a Nonprofit Board?
If you are currently a nonprofit board member would like to join a board or work for a nonprofit, you are invited to Jericho Road Pasadena’s Effective Board workshop on Wednesday, September 19, 2018, 9:30 a.m.–12:30…
Board Match Made for Ten Thousand Villages
I love Ten Thousand Villages‘ fair trade store on South Lake Avenue. I have a beautiful Pakistani rug among other lovely items from the store. So I was very excited when Holly Hight, who attended our…
Cause Cupid: Matching Great People to Great Boards
Envision Consulting’s next board match-making event, Cause Cupid (, will be Thursday, May 31, 2018, 5:30pm to 7:30pm in Downtown Los Angeles. It’s an opportunity for great nonprofits and outstanding professionals to mix and mingle with the hope they…
Tackling Tough Conversations
Talking about race and racism isn’t easy for most Americans. But nonprofits should be at the front line of increasing equity and inclusion. The Pasadena Executive Roundtable ( tackled this tough conversation in our March and…
What’s your idea of fun?
Hiking, golf, gardening, Netflix? What’s your idea of fun? For Jericho Road Pasadena co-founder John Blue, it’s doing something constructive for the community. “I’m very serious. It is fun when I’ve done something useful and…
The Leadership Connection
We post a lot about nonprofit boards, because they are such a crucial piece of nonprofit success. Find out more about how Jericho Road Pasadena matched Bret Schaefer with the board of Friends in Deed and…
A Fresh Look at Diversity and Boards
Thanks to Jan Masaoka for her great 3-part series in Blue Avocado on diversity and nonprofit boards: read part 1 at JRP’s Leadership Connection board training and placement program is a great way to empower…