Are you looking for a way to get more involved with your community? Would you like to use your skills to make a significant contribution to a good cause?

Skilled Volunteers
Jericho Road Pasadena matches the professional talents of volunteers with local nonprofits. Volunteers work on specific projects with defined goals and time frames ranging from two weeks to one year. Our seven-step match-making and project management process helps match the right volunteer to the right project. Please visit our News page to see how we are supporting local nonprofits.
Board Service
Have you ever considered serving on a nonprofit board? Board service supports the health of nonprofits and expands the influence of the individual in community affairs. Ideal candidates will:
- Work well in groups
- Have good interpersonal skills
- Possess leadership experience or potential, including vision, strategic thinking, and expertise in their field
- Be interested in increased community involvement
- Be willing to serve on a nonprofit board and raise funds
General Volunteering
Even if you’re not sure that JRP’s skilled volunteer model is right for you, we may be able to connect you to a great volunteer opportunity. If you’ve been looking for the right opportunity but don’t know where to begin or haven’t found the right fit, we are happy to help.