I always check Yelp for restaurant recommendations and HomeBuilder for contractor recommendations. But where do people go to get nonprofit recommendations? There are several sites that nonprofits should have a good profile on:
GuideStar is the best clearinghouse for nonprofit info. JRP is proud to have a GoldStar rating on GuideStar.
GreatNonprofits hasn’t caught on as much as GuideStar, but it still has user ratings of nonprofits, whether from volunteers, board members or donors. Thanks for reviewing JRP on GuideStar!
VolunteerMatch is the best place for nonprofits to look for volunteers on the internet. You can also check out what volunteers have to say about organizations on each page’s profile.
And of course, Google, Facebook and Yelp all have rating systems which potential volunteers and donors look at before deciding whether to get involved. If you work with a nonprofit, you should double check all these sites to make sure your organization has a good profile. If you’re a volunteer or donor, please take the time to like, follow and recommend your favorite organizations on these sites.