Flashback Friday: Celebrating JRP Volunteers

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Jericho Road Pasadena founding board.
JRP Founding Board (Dick Hirrel, Melanie Goodyear, John A. Blue, Rev. Hannah Petrie, John A. Wilson, Dr. Barbara Eaton; missing is Fran Neumann)

Flashback Friday: Celebrating JRP Volunteers

Remember when humans used to enjoy being near other humans? Ah, the memories. Since JRP can’t invite you to a party of the celebrate our 10th anniversary, we’re sharing photos of our many wonderful volunteers at previous parties. These pictures are from our first anniversary in 2011, hosted by JRP founder Barb Eaton, taken by Ned Racine.

Linda Huetinck and Monica Hubbard continue to be wonderful JRP volunteers (and somehow don’t seem to be aging).

Photo below includes Mark Eideson, John Huetinck, Clyde Derrick and Melanie Goodyear.