Building Strong Ties

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The word ‘religion’ means to bind together. The Clergy Community Coalition was founded in 2005 to do just that: bring together Pasadena faith communities to do more community-wide work. It grew out of a partnership with PUSD and several churches to support strong academics and has grown to include partnerships with the City Manager, the Pasadena Police Department and the Altadena Sheriff’s Dept. The monthly meetings are popular, drawing 50 – 100 both before and during the pandemic. It has become a clearinghouse of community information, a gathering place for anyone doing community work and a source of inspiration and comfort.

The CCC is growing and hired a fantastic Executive Director, Pastor Mayra Macedo-Nolan, in late 2019. JRP has recently helped them through a visioning process to determine how they can build on their success in the past 10 years and be an even more effective focal point for collaboration and community work. Their vision to “BE Together, PRAY Together, and WORK Together” is leveraging the resources of faith groups to work together to solve homelessness, support children and youth, and the well-being of our community.