Board fundraising workshop Part 4: Conquer Your Fears and Make the Ask

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Board fundraising workshop Part 4

Individual Giving: Conquer Your Fears and Make the Ask

A key responsibility of board service is ensuring adequate resources to meet the organization’s mission — and yet many board members feel uncomfortable asking for money. JRP is offering Resourcing Your Mission, a virtual four-part workshop that builds on the latest philanthropic data and research to give board members proven strategies and practical advice that will make them feel more comfortable and be more successful in their fundraising role.

In the final segment of JRP’s fundraising workshop, the rubber met the road as participants learned to use their newfound knowledge to successfully “make the ask.” Trainer Trip Oldfield, CFRE began by asking the group to remember that philanthropy is a people enterprise, not a money business. He noted that donor psychology and personal motivations are the most important factors in giving. He revealed that face-to-face requests are by far the most effective: studies show that a whopping 96% of individual donors made a gift just because they were asked. After examining (and allaying) eight of the most common asking myths and fears, Trip helped participants craft their own 45-second pitches and identify potential donors in their circles. He finished with some powerful tips for the actual ask—sending attendees away with new confidence about engaging in successful one-on-one fundraising.

If you would like to learn more about board service, contact JRP at or 626-714-7234.