Pasadena Heritage Walking Tour

Join Pasadena Heritage for a journey through time at the Playhouse District Walking Tour on Saturday, September 7 at 10 a.m. Spaces are limited, you can sign up here:


Building a Great Board!

Dive into “Building a Great Board” a transformative session designed to empower nonprofit leaders with the courage and knowledge to create a board of directors that not only supports, but actively drives their mission forward.…


This Thursday!

Join us on February 15th for the kickoff session of our 2024 Effective Board Workshop series. Explore the Fundamentals of Nonprofit Governance with us and seize the opportunity for early bird pricing. This session will…


Happy New Year

Wishing you a year filled with joy and happiness.May all your dreams come true in 2024.


Last Day

Today is the last day of our Annual Appeal! It’s your final chance to make a year-end contribution and help us start the new year strong. Thank you for your incredible support! Donate – Jericho…
